In Bloom #40 + After the Rain

New Year's Day 2021 was a wet one here in South Carolina as it rained all day.  I thought this photo was fitting with raindrops clinging to pine needles.  

Wishing you a Happy New Year!

Happy Sunday,


  1. We had some rain this past week too as well as some snow. Lovely photo.

  2. Pine needles and rain always makes for pretty photos! No rain or snow here, thankfully, but a rather dreary New Year's with overcast skies. It kind of fit the quiet pace of our home, though!

  3. I'm glad to see you're still taking pretty pictures. Hopefully in 2021 we'll get to see some more pretty quilts from you. :-) Did you enter any into QuiltCon Together? Will you attend the virtual show?

  4. Great photo of the droplets of rain on the pine it.

  5. That's a lovely photo! I love pine trees, always have. We had a row of pine trees on the back edge of our yard growing up. Happy New Year, Paige!
