Block Recycle Challenge

I recently finished a quilt using this orphan quilt block as a starting point.  In this tutorial for Improv Pineapple Blocks, its called a half log cabin block, but seems more like a quarter pineapple block to me.

The Greenville MQG issued a recycle block challenge to make something quilted using an orphan block donated through our block of the month program.

Half Log Cabin or Quarter Pineapple quilt block

It was more difficult finding blues and greens that coordinated than I thought it would be.  The blues had a denim or chambry look to them.  I collected some possibilities.

The green was fairly bright and I really had to search for some almost kelly greens to coordinate.  That yellow on the right didn't make the cut.

Now, what was I going to do with this block?  I decided to carry out the 'pineapple' theme and just keep adding logs and triangles until I had a large enough top for a comfort quilt to use in our charity project.

I forgot to measure the size of the original block, but it was around 11" or 12" square.  Wonky logs would have been more modern, but I was limited on time and fabric and just kept the logs fairly straight.  Here's the top after a few rounds.

And after a couple more logs...

And, here's the completed top...

I spray basted it late one night out on the porch, brought it in and hoped a quilting design would come to me overnight.

This print by Studio E was perfect for the backing.  The fabric even says, 'Reuse, Reduce and Recycle' which I found at a yard sale for I think a $1.  It really looks better than it photographed.

I decided to just quilt in the ditch around each log and quilt diagonally across each log, all done with the walking foot.  For the bigger logs, you can't see it here, but I did add a couple more lines in between but didn't cross over the triangles.

Here's the finished quilt after it's been bound and washed.  I added the binding by machine, the same way as I explained in this post.

I quickly took the photo before I headed to the meeting so it's not the straightest.

Recycle Block Challenge Quilt
I mentioned this was a challenge and an outside judge, Melinda Hoffman, who is an artist friend of Faye Jones, the challenge coordinator. was invited to pick the winners.

Just look at the tote bag I received.  Faye, a talented artist herself, painted this and somehow made decals to apply to purchased totes.  And you notice in the upper right hand corner...first place. :)  I will put this tote bag to good use in Paducah next week.

You can see all the challenge entries here along with the other fabulous prizes and winners.

Decal made from original artwork by Faye Jones

Quilt Stats:
  • Finished size: 38" x 38" 
  • Pattern: Half log cabin tutorial by MQG
  • Fabrics: Various including Cotton & Steel, Carolyn Friedlander, Anna Maria Horner, Kona solids, Kaffe Fassett and more
  • Thread: Aurifil 50 wt., 2725 light wedgewood
  • Quilting design: In the ditch and straight line quiting with walking foot
  • Batting: 100% Cotton Warm & White by the Warm Company
  • Completed: April 2017

Linking to Finish It Up Friday, Finished or Not Friday, Whoop Whoop Friday, and Show Off Saturday


  1. Congrats, a winner!!! And the different sized triangles make it so special.Love those colours you chose, this is beautiful and bright.

  2. Very fun! Congratulations on winning! What a great challenge idea.

  3. Fun quilt. Congrats on winning. Really a fun design.

  4. You did a phenomenal job on this one, Paige. The fabrics you chose to use with the orphan block are perfect. It goes together so well, that if I didn't know what you started with, I don't know that I would have guessed it started as an orphan block project. The bag you won is so cool!

  5. This is a great quilt, Paige! Did you have a choice as to which orphan block you started with? You sure made nice fabric choices, and deciding to reiterate the geese was the perfect design decision. It's impressive that you made this to participate, just doing your usual good work, and then ended up winning first! What will become of the quilt? Is one of the reasons you're going to Paducah because you have a quilt or two in the show?

    1. Linda, there were a number of orphan blocks to choose from and I ended up with this block. It was a fun finding the right fabrics. Thanks!

      The quilt will go to the Julie Valentine Center where it will given to a child to comfort during an examination who has been the victim of abuse.

      I haven't been to Paducah in a number of years and am looking forward to visiting. And yes, I do have a quilt in the show. Well Rounded Single Girl will be in the modern category at the Spring Paducah show.

  6. Paige, this turned out beautiful. I am partial to those colors. Loved the basic straight line quilting too.

  7. Paige, you amaze me with your ability to be so creative within a challenge and congratulations on first place! Beyond that, what a great quilt. :)

  8. Wow! I love everything about this quilt Paige! Its so cool that it started from one block! and the thrifty fabric find is awesome too!

  9. It is beautiful. The colors make is so striking - congrats!!

  10. Well done Paige, congratulations. You are so creative, you took an orphan block and turned it into a lovely quilt. You did so well to match the colours too.

  11. This was a great challenge piece. Love your fabric selections to go with it. A well deserved win.

  12. What a fun challenge! You really rose to the occasion with this quilt, too, and deserve your first place tote bag :) I don't think I've ever seen a quilt like this. It's like a medallion quilt except it went up and out instead of round and round. Very innovative, and I admire how you kept it all so nice and straight. Great finish, Paige!

  13. You have such an amazing eye for color and design! Your quilt deserved the win.

  14. Paige, this may use a recycled pattern but it has a very fresh feel to it. The varying strip widths which led to small and large geese (triangles) create amazing movement in the quilt. Fabulous Finish!!!

  15. Congratulations Paige ! You've been very creative to use this orphan block. The design of your quilt is amazing !

  16. It's a great quilt - what a creative use of the orphan block to make a stunning finished quilt!

  17. Nobody improvs like you, Paige! I love the way your creative mind works. Your color sense and design balance are the best!

  18. Another beautiful quilt and well deserved win! I wish I could have seen all of the entrants.

  19. Congratulations on winning 1st place! This is a great quilt and a wonderful way of using orphan blocks. :-)

  20. Wow, great way to use your orphan blocks and your quilt is just fantastic,love your fabric combo.

  21. Congrats on the win, Paige! Your design choice was perfect to make this block look right at home in this sweet quilt. That backing fabric was destined to be!

  22. Congratulations, the quilt is very pretty. Those colors are so great together.'Love that backing fabric as well :)

  23. Congratulations Paige. I think the quilt is quite Modern even with the straight lines. I really like what you did with this orphan block. The greens really make this quilt.

  24. Congratulations Paige! Such inspiration you have given to me today! Your quilt is fantastic and so worth a prize! I love the way you chose the perfect fabrics and the perfect backing plus the spectacular quilting! Thank you for sharing and once again inspiring me! Have a great day!

  25. That's an awesome quilt, Paige! I agree that it looks more like a pineapple quilt than a lg cabin. Great use of color, too!

  26. Just gorgeous. Love the idea of this quilt and what a fun gift.
